Surname, name: Demina, Irina
Address: Berlin, Deutschland
Gender: female
Date of birth: 21.10.1986
Place of birth: Poland, Legniza
Nationality: russian
2014 – 2016 Hochschule für Schauspielkunst
“Ernst Busch”/Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT) -
MA “Choreography”
2016 Certification yoga teacher (200h RYS Yoga Alliance)
2010-2012 BA Contemporary Dance School Hamburg
2004 – 2009 Moscow State Lomonosov University (Faculty of philology)
2007 DIS (Danish Institute for Study abroad), Copenhagen
1999 – 2005 dance school „Magia“, Moscow
1993 – 2004 secondary school #1243 Moscow
As a dancer/interpreter worked with choreographers
Xavier le Roy, Jochen Roller, Wanda Golonka, Angela Guerreiro, Soodong Jung, Halla Olafsdottir, Jessica Nupen e tc.
2021 recipient of Pina Bausch Fellowship 2021
2020-21 Tanzpraxis scholarship from Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin
2018 choreographic residency in Seoul Dance Centre (South Korea) with project BODY POETICS
2017 residency fellow “Deep in the mountains”, project of Korean Ministry of Culture for Winter Olympics (South Korea, Ministry of Culture)
2014-2016 scholarship holder of Alfred Töpfer Stiftung F.V.S.
2013 3. Prize competition „The best german dance solo“ (EuroSzene Leipzig)
2012 Nachwuchsförderung (support for young artists) Kulturbehörde Hamburg
2010 scholarship for the residency in La Caldera, Barcelona. Barcelona International Dance Exchange
"Ontology of Sensoriality (Research)" supported by DIS-TANZ-SOLO (gefördert durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Programm NEUSTART KULTUR, Hilfsprogramm DIS-TANZEN des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland)
"KLOF. cyberographies of folk" @DOCK ART (Berlin) - revival is supported by Wiederaufnahmeförderung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.
"KLOF.cyberographies of folk" @Hamburger Sprechwerk (Hamburg) - Die Wiederaufnahme ist gefördert vom Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR.
Premiere "KLOF. cyberographies of folk" - Berlin DOCK 11.
Funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Research supported by Arbeits- und Recherchestipendium (research stipend) and Tanzpraxis scholarship by Senate Department for Culture and Europe Berlin. -
Research work "Brain dance" (working title) supported by DIS-TANZ-SOLO ((funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, aid program DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland)
Recipient of Pina Bausch Fellowship 2021
Live streaming multimedia dance performance "Perpetual Myth". Digital premiere - November 2021, Berlin DOCK 11.
Research "KLOF_2" supported by DIS-TANZ-SOLO (funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, aid program DIS-TANZEN of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland).
Premiere dance production for young audience „On the Silver Planet“, Hamburg.
Production is realized as a duo collective "Ruby Byers" with financial support of Kulturbehörde Hamburg, EMMI Ungarn, Workshop Foundation (Budapest), Tanzkomplizen (Berlin). -
"Avatar" - video work in frames of the project “Who is talking?” in collaboration with KOLK 17, puppetry museum in Lübeck.
virtual residency “YET.TO. COME” - performance "Invisibody" -
#takecare residency (Fonds Darstellende Künste & WIESE eg) with research project „KLOF.training_scores”
"ACT II" @ DOCK 11, Berlin
Trailer -
Performance - -
"BE WATER, MY FRIEND" @ Schiller Theater- Werkstatt
PREMIERE “ON THE SILVER PLANET” - November 2020, Hamburger Sprechwerk.
Supported by Cultural Authorities of the City Hamburg, Ministry of Human Capacities (EMMI), National Cultural Fund of Hungary. -
„exhibIT“ dance performance by Jessica Nupen for Völkerkundesammlung der Hansestadt Lübeck
BE WATER, MY FRIEND (restaging for Schiller Theater- Werkstatt) (choreographer, dancer9 – piece for 3 dancers, production of Tanzkomplizen
AcT II @ PAF_ShowCamp (Berlin), TripleBill (Lake Studios, Berlin), Frikar Smia (Norway), Sortland Kulturfabrikken (Norway)
Residency @ Fjelldansen and FRIKAR SMIA (Valdres, Norway) with the research project «KLOFF. RE:thinking folk dance» 15.09.19 – 28.09.19
Residency @ Sortland Kulturfabriken (Vesteralen, Norway) with the research project “KLOFF. RE:thinking folk dance” 05.11.19 – 05.12.19
Dancer in the project of Jessica Nuppen “Organism”
collaboration between Theater Lübeck and Lübeck museums
Choreographer for “Fraulein Julie”, director Nico Holonics.
Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch
Residency fellow in Seoul Dance Centre (South Korea) 16.10 - 24.11.2018
- teaching workshop BODY POETICS
- facilitating FEEDBACK LAB
- performance ACT II -
collaboration with light artist Tobias Leira. Supported by the Ministry of Culture, Norway.
Residency in Pikene pa Broen (Kirkenes, Norway). Premiere – 07.06.18 Performing Arts Festival
"BANSHEE RAGOUT" at the Festival “Hauptsache Frei” (Hamburg)
"AKT II" Premiere in frames of NEWORKS, ADA studio, Berlin (29-30.08.2018)
Residency “DEEP IN THE MOUNTAINS” (Pyeong Chang, South Korea), project by Korean Art Council for Winter Olympics
14.09.17 – 24.10.17
piece “White string” - performed at the National Theatre of Korea (Seoul) – for 2 dancers, 2 live musicians -
“BE WATER, MY FRIEND” (generation 8+) (choreographer, dancer) - piece for 3 dancers.
in frames of TANZKOMPLIZEN, Podewil, Berlin.
Premiere – 22.11.17
“BANSHEE RAGOUT. Ein TOTEN/TANZ/STÜCK” (choreographer, dancer)
supported by Kulturbehoerde Hamburg
Premiere – 09.02. 2017. Hamburger Sprechwerk.
Tour – Hamburg, Berlin, Lübeck, Essen
2014 – 2016 scolarship holder of Alfred Töpfer Stiftung F.V.S.
“TRAUMLABOR“ (choreographer) – piece for 5 dancers
coproduction of THEATER STRAHL BERLIN and HZT. Funded by the fonds darstellende künste 3 year concept fund.. (Premiere 23.09.16).
Was selected for Purple Festival 2017 (Berlin)
Piece „360 DEGREES or today I almost puked the endolymph out of my ear canals“ (Premiere – 23.10.2015, Uferstudios, Berlin). Choreographer/dancer.
Trailer: ; -
Performance in frames of long night of museums in Lübeck – August 2015;
Performance „Resurrecting Susan Sontag“ (Montag Modus in Hungaricum, Berlin. Sept 2015) choreographer;
„Accumulalalation“ – residency at Tanzfabrik Berlin (July 2015) choreographer/performer -
Performance „A way to Everest in the flat landscape“ at the landscape art festival in Neuwerder (Juni 2015) choreographer/performer
Research project „H55“ (April 2015, Uferstudios, Berlin)
Workshop performance with Jochen Roller at Berlin Alte Nationalgalerie „Extrem Exotisch - Fiktiv Fremd“.
Talk.Dance.Show „Accumulalalation“, supported by Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung. Hamburg. Premiere – 09.09. 2014.
Choreography for theatre production „Der Herbst der Untertanen“ (director – Nino Haratischwili). Lichthof Theater, Hamburg/Deutsches Theater, Berlin. Premiere - April 2014. -
2011 – 2014 teacher for contemporary dance in „On Stage“ Hamburg, „033 Tanzwerkstatt Hamburg“, Tanzinitiative Hamburg TRIADE.
Projekt “Retrospective” by Xavier le Roy (Juli-August 2013. Deichtorhallen. Kampnagel Sommerfestival). Co-choreographer/performer -
3d prize at the competition“Euro-scene Leipzig. The best german dance solo 2013″.
Tour: Black Box festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria 2014 -
Nachwuchsförderung for the project “HOOMU [N]ITE” (premiere – April 2013), supported by Cultural Department of the city of Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.
Extract was performed at the festival “SoloDuo NRW + Friends” Köln 2013
2012 Residency “How to start” by K3-Tanzplan Deutschland, Kampnagel Sommerfestival 2012
dancer in choreographies of Raul Valdez, Tomislav Jelicic, Angela Guerreiro, Fiona Gordon usw.
2010 residency in frames of Barcelona International Dance Exchange (B.I.D.E.), La Caldera
2010 choreographer. state theatre for children „A-Ya“ (director Ruslan Malikov) Moscow
2007 – 2010 artist in the agency for contemporary dance and performance TSEKH, Moscow
(Projects: „99% Boeing“, „Tomorrow. GO.DOT“, „Subwoofer 662“)
2005 – 2009 dancer in dance theatre “Magia”, Moscow.