dance piece for young audience 13+. Theater Strahl
DREAMLAB *A Reality Check*
(dance performance for young audience. 13+)
Theater Strahl, Berlin. 2016
[idea] Irina Demina
[choreography] Irina Demina and dancers
[dance] Carlos Aller, Sunghai Cho, Marco Di Nardo, Enrico Paglialunga, Eli Cohen
[dramaturgy assistance] Anastasia Ioannidis
[sound design] Matthias Erian
[video] Roberto Duarte
[scenography] Dragan Denda
[costumes] Ivana Vukovic
[light design] Matthias Jahnke-Schöpe, Volker Voigt
[mentoring] Jochen Roller
[(HZT/HfS)] Nik Haffner
Cooperation project of HZT Berlin and Theater Strahl. Theater Strahl is funded by the fonds darstellende künste 3 year concept fund.
Who is dreaming me?
Is the dream real in the process of dreaming?
Am I myself when I’m dreaming?
Are you alone in a dream?
Is a fictive story real in the realm of fiction?
How many ways are there to tell a dream?
Dreamlab finds itself on the treshold between reality and imagination.
It’s a wonder cabinet, where dreams are decoded into body language.
It’s an illusions machine investigating the nature of dreams.
What if there is a small split in the common space-time continuum and we could step into it?
Photos: Jörg Metzner
„Man tritt ein und beginnt zu träumen.”
„Eine interessante Inszenierung mit inspirierender Wirkung.”
„Großartig, schön, traumassoziativ, tolle Leistungen der Tänzer_innen – gut, dass der zeitgenössische Tanz sich im Jugendtheater zeigt.”
„Inspirierend, beklemmend, gelöst, abartig – so wie surreale Welten neue Blickwinkel eröffnen.”
„Dynamische Bewegungen, traumhaft, anregend, abstrakt, sehr phantasievoll, wunderbar.”
„Tolle Ideen, ein freier Geist und prima in rhythmische Bewegungen umgesetzt.”
Berliner Morgenpost: